Owners Information
*First Name: *Last Name: *Address: *City: State: NY * Zip: *Home Phone: *Work Phone: *Email:
Product Information
*Product Brand: *Product Type: Model Number: Serial Number: Purchase Date:
Requested Service
Yes No Estimate only Yes No Seasonal service Yes No Pickup and Delivery required
Describe any symptoms you have experienced here
Disclaimer: Warranty service will be performed according to the Manufacturer Policy. Equipment left in Wehner Mower's care past 45 days will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of at Wehner Mowers discretion. Not responsible for loss or damage in case of fire, theft or any other cause beyond our control. I hereby authorize the above services to be preformed along with the necessary materials and hereby grant the Wehner Staff permission to operate the unit as necessary. An express mechanics lien is hereby acknowledged on this unit to secure the amount of repairs thereto. I authorize repairs up to $150.00 and agree to pay a $50.00 non refundable deposit.
*I have read, understand, and agree to the above Disclaimer.
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